6 Lessons From Steve Jobs
Be curious
Why? Because curious people learn. The day we stop learning is the day we begin living in ignorance and there’s nothing associated more with failure than ignorance. The rich are rich because they know something you don’t.
Learn to be bold
Confidence should probably be a course in the school system. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this current school system, confidence is not one of them. I’ll probably just homeschool in the future. Seriously. Confidence gets you in the door as much as knowledge. Maybe more than knowledge. If a person is not confident, the look does not leave the face. It stays and do you know what it says? — i don’t know what i’m saying.
Avoid toxic people
This is just smart advice. Do not entertain a company of fools. Toxicity harms you in the long run. They say a dangerous company corrupts good morals. That is true. If you wish to be clean, avoid waste in your life. Surround yourself with people who want to build you and celebrate you. Surround yourself with people who make you better.
Choose a job you love
This can be subjective. Your depression is not caused by you doing a job you hate. You have chaos in your life. Sort that out and your job will not depress you. After all, work is work, not siesta. You want to work to provide for yourself and your family. Many speak about doing what they love yet have no incomes except the platform where they are allowed to say such “wisdom;” YouTube. Everything is clickbait. Many people come to terms with reality and quickly find a job that can pay them. Love is built. Don’t let some guru on the internet who does nothing in real life to tell you what to do. Quickly, know this: when you do what you love, it doesn’t feel like less work. The moment is begins to pay you or you do it for a salary, it becomes work. You’ll notice it. It’s just the truth. Like I said, work is work.
Failure offers opportunity
The only real failure in life is quitting. Sometimes it will take you 5 years to reach some kind of success, or succeed in anything. Fail your way to the top. I’m doing it now. It’s no effortless task. Keep failing. You’re in the ring, you’ll take a few punches too. This is real life! You might lose the title more times than you can count, but keep training till you get the championship for yourself.
Remember — one day you’ll die
There’s no better motivator like death. If death doesn’t motivate you to do something with your life, to be with your sons and daughters, to love your wife daily, to be present with your family, build that empire you always dreamed of, then not even GaryVee can motivate you. You will die bro. You will die sis. Let your life mean something to your loved ones.
Thank you for reading. If you are a photographer, I’m going to be sharing an ebook. I just finished writing on the importance of specializing in a niche. It’s going to be out this week.
Keep knowing and keep living.