A Role Model Is Your Shortcut To Success

You don’t have to see them

Clement Eastwood
2 min readJun 21, 2022
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

You know, we all have some ideas about who a role model is. Before I continue, I want you to write on paper who a role model is and what they mean to you.


A role model is a shortcut to success. This is how I define it. A shortcut to success.


Because your role model is somebody you want to copy. A role model is someone you wish to copy. A person who you want to follow in their steps in order to reproduce the success they have achieved by doing what they have done, the things that got them to the place they are now.

The moment we desire to be like another, they become people we model after.

Do you have to know them?

No, you don’t. This is one of the many questions people ask when it comes to finding role models. Do you have to know them? Do you have to talk to or with them? No, you don’t have to do anything, but there is one thing; you will have to follow them. I will never meet John Maxwell. It’s just the way it is. So what do I have to do? I will read his books, watch his interviews and shows on YouTube. I will do whatever I can to have a part of him. This is about wanting to be like someone or desiring the same success as the person. Why? Because you are walking in the exact path the person (role model) has already walked. If you have the chance to meet them, please do. If you can attend their workshops, please do. This way, you get to talk to them and ask them more questions.

What if my role model is not in my country?

The internet! Thank God for the internet! Most men and women of influence are present on the internet. Send them a text until they respond. Be persistent.

The whole idea about having a role model is to copy them. Do what they did to attain success.

Have a role model today. Drop your pride by the door. We all have people who influence us. I met an upcoming musician a few years ago, and I asked him who his role model was. He said no one. It’s either he’s ignorant or prideful. There’s no one on the surface of the earth who has no role models. You might not say, but you have someone you dress or want to dress like, talk like or even create like. We all have role models, knowingly or unknowingly.

Be intentional about this and copy your way to success.

Have Role Models.



Clement Eastwood
Clement Eastwood

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