A Wake-Up Call!
It’s a new month. It’s 5:31 AM right now. Is this what we call the twilight? Great. Jumping out of bed, I didn’t know it was the first of November. Christmas is coming early this year and all of us are looking forward to it. I don’t have a plan today, there’s only one thing on my list, to visit a friend and make a meal together and then we play PES.
This seems to be the life of most people. No goals, no systems, just going through the motions, but I have a question. How long is this going to last? Are you going to do this forever? Play games, eat food and then sleep?
About two nights ago I had a conversation with a friend and this is a friend I love. He’s a good dude who loves to study. I’m currently 25 and he’s probably the same age or older, or maybe I’m a year older than he is. Who knows? They say boys rarely know anything about their friends. I don’t remember my mom’s birthday so I wrote it down somewhere.
Talking to this friend on the phone he told me that in the next few years, people our age are going to be the leaders of this country, heck even this world. That scared me for a moment. Seriously. If you’re in your 20s that should put a bit of pressure on you.
Not long ago we were 12 now, we’re 20, tomorrow we’ll be 50, and then the next we'll be 80. The question then is, what are we doing with our lives now?
Did I tell you I used to be a teacher? Yes, I used to teach in a Junior High School. I’ve taught five different schools already, and do you know the fun part about being a teacher? That dozens of children get to listen to you. You have a free audience who respect you.
Do you know the scary part? These children listen to you. Yes, it’s fun because they listen to you and it’s scary because they listen to you. Practically, most teachers are raising children in schools, and if they teach a thing that will harm them, these naive ones what are they going to do about it?
Whenever I entered my class, I saw most of them as helpless, and without putting in my best, they wouldn’t have the best. Children are beautiful and tender. I used to be like them. You used to be one too. One question: How did our lives turn out?
When I was in JHS I saw the world under my feet. You probably did too. You wanted to become a pilot, a soldier, married with seven kids, I mean, you had dreams. I had dreams, everybody had dreams. How many of your childhood dreams have come to pass? You used to be called a future leader in your classroom, where are you currently reading this article?
I sat in class with some of the most brilliant people I’ve ever met in my life and some have gone to prison and back. The last update I received about one of them indicated that they were still serving a prison sentence for theft.
It’s 5:48 AM now. I woke up not knowing what to do today. You probably did too. You can’t know what to do in the next 50 years, but you can set small goals and try to achieve them.
You don’t have to be the richest man or woman on earth, you only have to be responsible for your life and be responsible for another person for true success lies in responsibilities.
Set small goals. Achieve them.
If you’re a beginner photographer, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by the technical aspects of photography. But don’t worry, there’s help available.
I wrote and published a book on this, “The Photographer’s Companion: Picture Perfect, A Beginner’s Guide to Photography.” This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to take stunning photos, from the basics of exposure to niches in photography. Written in a clear and concise style, “The Photographer’s Companion” is the perfect resource for beginner photographers of all levels.
Have a happy new month.