Are You Struggling to Find Your Style as a Photographer?

After reading this you will find your style and create in your image.

Clement Eastwood
4 min readMay 17, 2022
The very first silhouette I ever made!

There are thousands of blog posts that are being shared now and then on how to find your style as an artist. Some give five, six, or ten ways to find your style as a rapper, painter, songwriter, photographer, etc. There is no one way of finding your style as an artist. We are different people from different backgrounds and cultures and we all find our styles in different ways.

An artist is a person who creates. A person who brings a thing to exist. A person who gives life to a thing. There have been hundreds of painters who have been known for a specific style they mastered and are celebrated throughout the world because they made a real impact in the art community.


And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So, God created man in his image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. Genesis 1:27

The Creator made human beings in His image (a representation of the external form of a person) and we ought to copy Him. He did not only end thereafter making light, seas, fishes and the lot, He made man. To create in your image, first, you need to know yourself. Without self-awareness, it’s going to be difficult to create in your image for you know not yourself. What we make reflects who we are. And lots of creators create outside of their image instead of creating in their image, they follow trends that do not last. Trends that will bring nothing but unfulfillment. Trends that will not allow them to say after creation “this is good” because they made it outside of their will.

Let’s take one of the popular artists from the Renaissance.

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

RAFFAELLO SANZIO DA URBINO was a catholic and most of his art was portrayed and influenced by his religion or beliefs since he was a religious man (I like to think of him as that based on his works). Many of Raphael’s paintings were for churches.

As a religious man, he made works that aligned with his beliefs. He did not make things that were contrary to his belief. Some of his works include; The Transfiguration, The Resurrection of Christ, Disputation of the Holy Sacrament, Portrait of Pope Julius II, Mond Crucifixion, Deliverance of Saint Peter and many other works. This was a man who was self-aware and lived by his beliefs making him one of the greatest artists to ever grace this planet.

The Transfiguration

Create from experience as an artist. If your work does not reflect your character, whatever you create will have less life. Real artists create in their image. Your image is what matters. Your style manifests when you begin to create in your image. Unlearn what you have learnt from people about finding your style. The only way to catch a big fish is by going deep-sea fishing. Big fishes are found deep in the sea.

To create big, you ought to go deep inside of yourself. Create from within.

It took me a few months to find my style and create in my image. Finding your style and creating in your image is mainly a thing of influence. Who has influenced you? What is influencing you? This is of great value because our creations emerge from our thoughts.

We think art before we make art.

Finding your image might take some time. It requires tasting. So taste. Find your way!

Thank you for checking out this article. I’m glad you took your time to go through it. If you wish to have all the value I provide in one place or have access to my resources [podcast, blog and books on creativity and photography], please tap on this link.

Create in your Image.



Clement Eastwood
Clement Eastwood

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