Don’t Undervalue Your Clicks: How to Charge Like a Pro Photographer

Clement Eastwood
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Pablo Soriano on Unsplash

Let’s face it, taking amazing photos is awesome. But what if you could turn that interest into a profitable business? Because you can! Many photographers struggle with feeling guilty about charging for their work. I’ve been there, and sometimes it shows its head to make me not want to charge for the work I do.

Here’s the thing: you deserve to be paid for your skills! It’s as simple as that, although you might fight it within yourself. You should charge for your work. I think it benefits you and the customer at the same time, unless you produce sh*tty work. If the customer love what you produce for them, then it’s a win for them. When you get paid, it’s a win for you as well.

Charging your worth isn’t about bragging, it’s about recognizing your value.

Why Feeling Guilty Doesn’t Help

Think about it this way; you wouldn’t expect a baker to give away free cakes or bread, right? Photography takes time, dedication, and yes, even some fancy equipment. Your fee covers all that, plus allows you to keep creating. You wouldn’t expect any business to do anything for free, why do you feel guilt for charging for your expensive service? Yes, because that is what it is — photography is expensive.

See your work as a win-win situation, because it is.

Understand these:

  1. You are running a business. It’s not a charity. You’ve got bills to pay. Seriously think about this for a minute. Think about your equipment, the things you use to make a photograph great, electricity, etc… Businesses need money to run, not free work. You’ve got bills, bro.
  2. I realised people take action when they pay for something. It’s quite interesting when people pay for a thing. They believe it is more valuable than when given for free. I discussed this with Nana Essilfie Jr some months back and we concluded people don’t love freebies, they want to pay. Price it!
  3. Selling shows you’re confident about your product/service. Do you purchase food outside? I like to buy beans from Daavi on the regular! I bet some of you want the Big Macs. Go for it.These people sell because they believe they make the best. Don’t you take great photos? Start selling!
  4. Sell because it’ll help achieve your goals! You have financial and life goals. You don’t go paying the bride price with cowries anymore bro! Get some mula. I’m laughing typing this. Seriously, this is an advantage. Start selling, no matter where you are. As you build, sell.
  5. This is just as important as #4. When people buy from you or choose you to photograph them, they are achieving a goal or a dream.It could be a wedding, christening, etc. You need to see your services as giving opportunity to people to reach where they always wanted!mbrace selling as a photographer. Stop running from it!

At this point, you know you’ve got to charge for your work without the guilt-feeling, but I should say this, charge your worth.

What Does “Charging Your Worth” Mean?

Many photographers misunderstand the concept of charging your worth. If you think this means charging exuberant prices, you are wrong. Yes, photography is expensive, and if you are going to charge based on cost alone, the price is going to be high. For now, let’s look at what it means to charge your worth.

It’s not about your self-worth (that’s priceless!), but the value you bring to clients. You’re not just capturing moments, you’re creating memories, building brands, and telling stories — all with your unique eye.

So, How Do You Charge Like a Pro?

  1. Do Your Research: Check what other photographers in your area charge for similar services. This gives you a good starting point.
  2. Consider Your Experience: The more experience you have, the more valuable your skills become. Don’t shortchange yourself!
  3. Think About Your Costs: Camera gear, editing software, travel — there’s a lot that goes into running a photography business. Factor these costs into your pricing.
  4. Focus on Value, Not Just Time: It’s not just about the hours spent shooting. It’s the creativity, problem-solving, and perfect shot that makes the difference.
  5. Be Confident! Believe in your skills and the amazing work you produce. Clients can sense your confidence, and it makes your services even more appealing.

Is There Advantage To Charging Your Worth?

  1. Invest in better equipment. Sharper lenses, better lighting — these tools help you create even more stunning photos.
  2. Allows you to focus on your passion. No more worrying about making ends meet. You can pour your heart into photography full-time.
  3. You grow your business. With a sustainable income, you can take courses, learn new techniques, and keep building your dream career.

Photography is your skill. Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth. By confidently pricing your services, you’ll attract the right clients who value what you bring to the table, and you’ll be able to keep doing what you love!

Be free of the guilt!



Clement Eastwood

Photography Teacher | Author - Teaching Young Photographers To Turn Passion Into Profit.