Eat First, Dream BIGGER.

Clement Eastwood
2 min readJun 12, 2024


How I Support my Photography With Other Gigs…

Photo by AQVIEWS on Unsplash

I’ve not shot for any big brand. No Nike is in my portfolio, no Apple is in my portfolio… no top brand is in my portfolio. I shoot people around me and help businesses make good enough photographs. Am I the best in what I do? Of course not. I learn as the years go by, and I’ve been shooting for quite a long time. If my clients are satisfied, I am satisfied. That is all that matters. Nothing more.

Yes, dare to dream big. Oh, right, I remember writing an article for VERO, and I love every piece I put in there, and I was paid at the time good money.

Most of you creators reading this right now want one thing, and it is to have enough money and not worry about what to eat tomorrow. That is possible.

What am I doing now? I work as a teacher, and I do photography and I write books. I have a podcast that is not doing so well because my focus has not been there for a while.

What am I trying to say? I’m saying keep going, and keep pushing. Don’t wait for the big break, go for the big break. Do some other work to finance your dreams. Chase clients. The goal is not to be famous. The goal is to not be anxious about what to eat, wear and where to sleep tomorrow. You’ve got this!



Clement Eastwood

Photography Teacher | Author - Teaching Young Photographers To Turn Passion Into Profit.