Is Photography Your Dream Job (or Dream Destroyer)? 👇

Clement Eastwood
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by William Thomas on Unsplash

Most of us love a good tale of risk and reward. We get a thrill out of going “all in” on chasing our “passions.” I call passion interest, because that is what it is.Don’t be quick to go all in if you have not figured out some basics especially when it comes to finances. Money is an integral part of being a photographer.You should be cautious when wanting to go “all in” when it comes to follow your passion without a back up.

Here are three reasons:

  1. Financial security -Without a steady income, pursuing your passion can quickly turn stressful. This will take the joy out of what you love.
  2. Sustainability — Building your passion into a business takes time and effort. If you are a freelance photographer, you should have experienced periods to little or no income by now.Having a job on the side provides a financial runway to keep things going while you build your dream.
  3. Clarity and direction — Stepping away from a passion and working in a different field will give you valuable perspective. I’m a photographer, yes, as I type this now, I’m in a school where I teach Computing.I’m learning new skills, learning from work colleagues, learning even to socialize, and at the same time learning to teach. One thing working as a teacher has helped me realize is that, if you have something valuable to share, you will naturally attract people who want what you have.

This doesn’t mean you cannot pursue your passion full-time. You can, but I advise against it, because many who do are not ready for the pressure being a freelancer comes with.

A strategic plan will always beat diving in with both feet.

Did you find this valuable, do well to check out my podcast where I share short educative episodes for photographers.



Clement Eastwood

Photography Teacher | Author - Teaching Young Photographers To Turn Passion Into Profit.