Success Is Never About The Money
Count Your Successes
I know, more than you can ever imagine, how many times you have read on topics that claim to define success for you. Now, here is how Google defines success or here is how success is defined on Google;
the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
This is the best definition of success I’ve ever come across in my life. Nothing comes close. It just defines success. Just that nothing more.
You reading this now have been asking yourself the wrong question, hence giving the wrong answer to the wrong question. How do I know this?
Because you keep asking yourself this: “What does success mean to me?”
What success means to you does nothing to you. Trust me, it does not make you feel good, because once you achieve whatever it is, you will have a new goal to reach. A new goal to call success. Here is why the definition - the accomplishment of an aim or purpose is the best.
Answer this first. What do you do?
Let’s assume you are a photographer, because this blog is for photographers.
Next quick question, are you a successful photographer?
You will probably say no. Why? Because you do not have an attractive number in your bank account. I guessed right. But that’s the problem. You think success is having money in your account when it really means being accomplished.
Maybe this article is not about success. Because you’ve had a series of successes and you still don’t count them.
Every day, you are successful. As a photographer myself, I refused to count my success and realize them until I grasped the understanding of what it truly means.
Who, is a successful person?
A person who does a thing with excellence. A person who excels. It’s never about the money. I wish people will know success is never about the money. It’s abut excelling at a particular thing that you do.
When a child passes her exam, we call it a success. But when you are good at a job with less money, you call yourself a failure and or poor.
Now, think about that and let me know your thoughts in the comment section.