This is an interesting one. My response might be lengthy. A church lost two members. The first one is a bit tricky. The story is inconclusive.
Did the church know the whole story? Were they left in the dark? Did the woman communicate vividly the scene before they visited her? I'm assuming this is a true story.
If the church elders knew the whole story and still said this without counselling the couple (that is if the couple were in their church), "You are advising your friend to leave her husband because you have no husband. Is that something a Christian should do?” Then the elders were in the wrong. But if they didn't know the whole story, then the woman was in the wrong (because the church was ignorant of the situation and her anger not justified.)
The rich dude who got a second wife. Well, well, does the church allow that? No. Does the Bible allow that? No. The elders should have known that he was getting married (to his second) and should have warned against it and explained why it was not done.
Was it right for them to leave the church they attended? It doesn't seem like we have a full story. We will need more than this - more details.
Church leaders should base every action they take on the word of God alone! That is it! Jesus, our LORD is the head of THE CHURCH. Not any pastor.
Church elders should practice church discipline like we see in the New Testament church. - 1 Corinthians 5, 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:14, etc...
Have a good day Angela. If you want to share more details on this story, I'd be interested. Here's my email -
Have a productive day, Ms Ankoma.