What Camera Should I Buy? Advantages of a Full-frame Camera
When a beginner goes out to purchase a camera, he is most often consumed about what he should get. When I first got a camera, I had no idea about which was what. I did not care, and, and I did not think much, nor did any research regarding purchasing cameras. I got myself a pretty good camera, a Nikon D7100, but I bet if I had knowledge about cameras I wouldn’t have gone for that. So, in this article, I’m going to be sharing with you the difference between two of the most used sensors in the photography circle; the full frame and the APSC crop sensor by sharing with you advantages and disadvantages.
Here is a list of cameras I’ve used: Nikon D3300, D3200, D3400, D750, D610, D7100, D7200, Canon 6D and T6I.
Let’s delve into this:
Advantage of Using Full Frame Cameras
Dynamic Range:
This means you can shoot higher contrast images. It also means that if you accidentally underexpose or overexpose your image, a full-frame file (especially if you shoot in RAW) will give you the latitude to recover blown-out highlights or deep shadows more than a crop sensor can.
Good Low Light Performance:
This is possible because of its high ISO range. Newer full frame cameras do not show noise when you increase the ISO.
Shallower Depth of field:
While depth of field is largely determined by your lens and its maximum aperture, the camera body can help you achieve that beautiful blurred bokeh effect as well. Full-frame sensors allow for a shallower depth of field than their cropped counterparts.
What do I mean by a shallow depth of field? This is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects, giving a focused image. Depth of field is what you will call blurring the background. Are we good? Great!
Wider Field of View:
You don’t need to struggle for a wider lens every time. I’ve shot weddings on both crop sensors and full frames using only a prime lens. It’s easier when you are shooting on a full-frame compared to a crop.
I’m going to end this article here. If this brought you value, don’t hesitate to share with other creatives. Yes, I have published a book on a guide to buying cameras. If you want a copy, tap on this link to have access.