Why You Should Price Based On The Value You Bring
Time is valuable, and that is very true, and nobody should waste time when it comes to money. The more time you waste, the more money you lose.
Why should you charge based on the value you bring to a client?
Time is limited, value is not. Therefore some people charge an outrageous amount of money for their services. Why? Because you need what they have.
What do you have? Is it valuable to the client?
If you have a thing which is valuable and the client is convinced that they need it, then it seems like a good place to charge based on the value you bring rather than on time.
This sounds funny but there are 24hours in a day and not 24hours in value and value is forever and people purchase valuables.
You meet up with a client to talk about pricing. They ask for a price list and you draw something out of pricing based on time and how many photos they are getting. Great! Now, your client tells you I don’t need many photos, I only need two head shots.
If you charge hourly, how would you price this because two headshots will not take an hour?
Charge based on what they demand and they came to you for a reason. Because you know your work. They need professional headshots for a reason, because you will deliver. The client knows you will bring her vision to life and therefore she is paying you.
Name your price.
If your client says it’s too much, explain what you’re giving them and what benefits they’re going to get.
Don’t say a thing like my equipment is expensive. No, you’re not a child. Be a pro.
Always remember — you are taking photos to make your client’s vision come to life and with this in mind, you can always price better, and earn greater.
When they ask how many photos I’m going to give them, I tell them all the great ones. Now, because you know this, you don’t go overtaking a million photos in an hour.
You’re a pro. Relax one image at a time. Don’t rush the process. They might probably end up selecting 15 images. Edit them or employ a retouch er to get that done. Compare this to charging based on time and see which works for you better.
Don’t forget, value is limitless, and time limits you for pricing.