You’re Destroying Your Credibility as a Photographer When You Do This…

Clement Eastwood
4 min readOct 4, 2023


Photo by cottonbro studio:

In this article, I aim to outline a few detrimental actions photographers sometimes engage in that can significantly undermine their credibility. Regardless of whether you operate within the business sphere or navigate everyday life, it’s crucial to recognize actions that can adversely affect your professional standing and personal reputation. As a photographer, your credibility serves as a cornerstone, distinguishing you from competitors and fostering a dedicated clientele. Let’s delve into six actions that can potentially harm your credibility in the world of photography:

  1. Delivering poor quality: This is the most detrimental action you can engage in, as it can and would severely tarnish your reputation and damage your credibility. When clients hire you, they expect to receive high-quality work that meets their desired outcomes. If you deliver subpar results, it reflects poorly on your skills and professionalism. This only says one thing about you — you have no idea what you’re doing!
  2. Over-editing: While editing is an integral part of the photography process, it’s easy to go overboard and end up with unrealistic or unnatural-looking photos. This can make you appear amateurish or lacking in skill. I see some photographers who refuse to retouch their photos and go with natural looks. It all depends on you as an artist, but always remember, overediting is going to affect your business and craft in the end. Over-editing is a common mistake that photographers make, especially when they are first starting out. It is important to remember that editing is a tool that should be used to enhance your photos, not to create unrealistic or unnatural-looking images. Here are a two reasons why over-editing can harm your credibility as a photographer;
  • It can make you appear amateurish or lacking in skill. When you over-edit your photos, it is often obvious to viewers that you are trying too hard. This can make you look like you are not a skilled photographer and that you are trying to compensate for your lack of skill with editing software. People can sense “amaturity”!
  • It can turn off potential clients. Many potential clients are looking for photographers who can produce natural-looking photos. If your photos are over-edited, it may make you look like you are not the right photographer for them. Now, this depends on your niche. This certainly does not apply to every photographer out there.

3. Inconsistency: If your work is inconsistent in style, quality, or approach, it can be difficult for clients to know what to expect. This can lead to confusion and a lack of trust in your abilities. Missed deadlines. Failing to deliver work on time can be a major red flag for clients, and it can damage your reputation as a reliable and professional photographer. In simple words, when you say you’re going to do something, stand by your word and do it. Be consistent in your niche, style and edits. This will open bigger doors for you. You don’t have to trust me, you have to try it. That’s all.

4. Poor communication and missing deadlines: Effective communication is key to building trust and establishing a strong working relationship with clients. If you’re unresponsive or difficult to reach, it can make clients feel like you’re not invested in their project or not taking their needs seriously, because when a prospect reaches out to you, they do that because they have a need, and they want that need met. I’ve worked with a couple of photographers who had BAD communication skills. They delay delivering to the client, and when the client calls them they either give a flimsy excuse or ignore the call together, and this has cost them their business.

5. Inappropriate behaviour: Now, this is a big one. Inappropriate behaviour, whether it’s on social media or during shoots, can quickly damage your credibility and lead to lost business. It’s important to always conduct yourself in a professional manner and avoid any behaviour that could be perceived as disrespectful or unprofessional. Do not touch the model if you have not asked permission from her or him. We live in dangerous times and you ought to tread carefully. Be appropriate in your communication and everything that you do. The world lives on the internet today, and bad news travels faster. When you conduct yourself inappropriately as a photographer, the internet world will hear it and that might be the end of your business. A photographer once molested a model and then changed his Instagram username. In the end, it affected his business. Don’t be controlled by your libido!

By avoiding these damaging behaviours and focusing on delivering high-quality work and excellent customer service, you can establish yourself as a credible and reliable photographer in your industry. Remember, you’re in the customer service business even as a photographer.

Thank you for checking this article out, if this brought you value, I’m certain you’ll love my book The Photographer’s Companion: Picture Perfect, A Beginner’s Guide to Photography. Tap this link to have access to it.



Clement Eastwood

Photography Teacher | Author - Teaching Young Photographers To Turn Passion Into Profit.